Technology blog

I quite like the Gitlab way of working with runners, the runner is a small docker container that is managing jobs in other containers, easy to install and maintain. It would be nice if Jenkins could do it too. Well, it actually can, but if need to run jobs in Windows containers, the journey to wor...

When it comes to Enterprise WiFi, the simple - plug-in, set your password and enjoy - approach doesn't work as expected, especially if you have multiple APs around and need to implement fast transitioning between them. Also how to authorize the WPA2-EAP clients in your network? You need some server...

There's a sentence in the proxmox cluster setup guide: Changing the hostname and IP is not possible after cluster creation. We are running a 4 node cluster that was placed in a legacy network. As the company grew from few people to something bigger, I wanted to split the network into VLANs for i...

The kresd DNS server on Turris is quite capable, but when you need to do some custom DNS magic for your internal network, it's not good enough. So let's replace it with a full blown DNS server Bind9 aka named.

The Bind9 is a very popular and mature DNS server, other option could be the modern...

The Turris router is a very interesting linux-based networking device with plenty of computing power, it would be pity to use it only as a regular OpenWRT router. It today's world of cyber attacks it can be used as a network monitoring device with an IDS (Intrusion detection system) capability.

