Quansheng UV-K5 USB-C charging

I've bought the popular Quansheng UV-K5 dual band radio for my paragliding trips. It's a quite nice piece of gear, especially when flashed with egzumer alternative firmware.

However, one thing troubled me quite a lot. The radio has an USB-C slot for charging, but it doesn't work with USB-C chargers. The manufacturer states the USB shall only be used to charge the radio in emergency. But the USB-C is so convenient that I've already lost the original charging dock shipped with the radio. I've found some schematics online, the USB charging is quite straight forward, but the reason why it only works with USB-A to USB-C cables is immediately visible. The USB-C connector is missing the CC resistors.

Without these 2, extremely cheap, parts, the USB-C chargers won't provide any power to the radio. The fix is simple, just solder the two 5.1 kOhm resistors between CC pins and GND and you are good to go. The tricky part is actually doing it, you need some quite serious soldering skills, two resistors, super glue and a piece of magnet wire. The way I've done it can be seen below and it works magnificently.

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